Thursday, September 12, 2013

Not Complaining for a Week

       I said I would give an update on my whole not complaining experiment.  At first, it was extremely hard.  My boyfriend kept reminding me that I was complaining even if I didn't realize it.  I was led to  believe that I was a chronic complainer and there was nothing to help me.
      But I kept at it.  Every time I a whiny thought popped into my head, I let it pass.  Like I was meditating, I let the thoughts come but tried not to act on them.  I was very nervous about starting the school year again (I'm a teacher) and was concerned about being overwhelmed.  I let the thoughts slide into my mind, but kept reassuring myself that everything would work out fine and to trust in the universe.
       And honestly, I have been enjoying my afternoons more.  When I come home from work, not complaining allows me to let go of my day and focus on the present.  This in turn has helped my relationship with my man blossom and I am more attentive to our relationship.  When he's talking to me, I am able to experience a strong connection and feelings of happiness because I haven't let Captain Complainer take over my thoughts.
      Yes, I am still unsure about certain things in my life.  Yes, I would like to change some things.  But not complaining has allowed me to focus on the now and just let it be.  In some ways, I have stopped fighting what is and have accepted it.  Now that I have accepted it, things are clearer to me.  I have realized what some of my talents are, I feel more confident and have realized that I have an amazing man who supports me.  I am lucky.
      This morning, I felt some anxiety over something at work.  I took deep breaths and wanted to complain so badly.  I wanted to call my boyfriend and tell him how I felt.  But I didn't.
     And you know what? The feelings passed and I had a good day.
      I guess all of those words of wisdom are right.  Stop complaining and watch how your life changes.
      If I can feel this way in a week, I'm wondering what can happen in a year.
      Game on.