Saturday, August 17, 2013

Learning to Be Present When Everyone is Watching

      A few years ago I participated in the Summer Solstice event in Times Square.  This is a yoga event held in New York every year where you basically do yoga in the middle of Times Square.  The point is, can you remain present amidst the chaos?  Below is a photo of my friend, Paula, participating in the event.

After taking a wonderful, inspiring workshop with Ellen Mosko and Katie Radiola at Soulful Awakenings in Lake Como, I decided to start my own yoga practice.  This has always been a struggle for me.  I have an epic case of monkey mind (though not so much lately so I must be getting "zennier") and think too much about what pose to do next and want to rush through everything.  Luckily, I went to a workshop about cultivating your own practice.  Even though I am a certified yoga teacher, this still eludes me.  The instructors broke down everything from a short 15 min practice to a lengthy 60 min practice. Though some of the poses were a bit beginner for me, it was a good starting point.  
I went to the beach with their handouts in tow so that if monkey mind came up all I had to do was look at the next sequence and keep going.
Honestly, I never thought I'd like doing my own practice.  But I loved it.  I decided to practice on the beach and even though others were there, I kind of forgot they were there.  At one point a man was pointing at me.  I wasn't sure what he was saying, but I didn't care, I kept going.  And sometimes that's what we have to do.  Take a glance at the horizon, but stay present and keep going.  I have some potential opportunities in my life right now that I am hesitant or afraid to begin because of fear of failure, what others will say or if I will have the money.  Sometimes, you just have to "go with the flow" and see where it takes you.
In the past, I would have stopped mid practice constantly aware of the bugs biting me on the beach or the onlookers making nasty remarks, but this time I realized that this practice is about my journey.  There are always going to be challenges to staying present, but if you stick your two feet in the sand and close your eyes, you will realize there is no struggle.

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