Sunday, October 12, 2014

Simple Lessons

      So I haven't posted on here in awhile, but I feel like a new person.  I feel like my "authentic self." I am easily able to think positively, have energy and a zest for life and find beauty in the little things.  This has changed my relationships with friends, family and my boyfriend, ten fold.  It is true that your outlook can be a ripple effect on others and create fruition and abundance in multiple areas of your life. Example: In the last year, I have made it a goal to become to possibly have a career in the holistic arts.  Every time, I didn't do something that was within this realm of thinking, I would beat myself up and think I wasn't good enough to be this person I wanted to be.  I thought it was only for "special people."  When I didn't get hired for a yoga job or any job for that matter, I would say I wasn't good enough.  I don't know when the big turnaround came, but listed below are some things I started to practice in my life.
     Fact is, I stopped "trying" and when I stopped forcing, the magic began to happen.  Things that I wanted to understand, but couldn't or struggled with were suddenly clear as day to me.  I began being offered opportunities in areas of interest to me and I didn't worry whether it would work out or not. I knew it would.
      Just "be" and the rest will follow.  It's true the universe puts you in the right place when you are ready.

     1) I let it go…..It was too stressful and draining to constantly think of why things were happening and how I got myself in unfavorable positions.  What did it matter? All that mattered was what was happening now and what I could do now….It sounds simple….people say to "let it go."  Elsa said it.  And it's true.  It doesn't happen over night, but taking tiny steps and "Letting something go" a day or a week will feel amazing.  Let go with what you have always believed.  That you aren't lucky.  That you aren't special cause someone made fun of you.
2) Trust.  Trust in yourself and the universe or whatever you believe in and know that everything will be ok.  I used to repeat to myself "Everything will be ok." It may not happen the way you want it to but in some way shape or form everything will be ok.  Again, it is not easy to trust overnight, but trusting in small things are a big step. But most of all, trust that all you need is within.
3) Tiny Steps…I keep saying it and it's true.  Most, including myself, want to go from A to Z overnight.  Start small. Make a list of what you can do now to be where you want to be and start with one thing.  I stared with eating healthy.  Then I added in more exercise. Then meditation.  It starts with you.
4) Know that you deserve it.  I remember my friend telling me to listen to Joel Osteen .  I listened to one of his sermons and he keep saying that everyone has a gift wrapped up for them and it's up to you to grab  it.  This was a big "aha" for me as I never thought of life that way.  The fact is everyone deserves the best life you can have
5) Let go of old beliefs.  This goes with #1.  Society has beliefs that we have bought into.  We have been brought up with beliefs that we have bought into.  None of it is real.

It is very hard to explain these concepts so I may have to go into more detail in another blog…just know it starts with you.